Why Does My Italian Greyhound Cry?

Updated: 2024-04-23 ・
Views: 318 ・
min read
Why Does My Italian Greyhound Cry?

The soulful eyes and sleek physique of the Italian Greyhound (IG) are enough to melt any heart. But what happens when those eyes well up with tears, or those mournful whimpers fill the air? Unlike humans, dog cries are a form of communication, and understanding why your IG is vocalizing can help you address the cause and create a calmer household.

Understanding Italian Greyhound Behavior

Italian Greyhounds are known for their devotion to their human companions. They are social creatures who crave attention and dislike being left alone for extended periods. This, coupled with their sensitivity to noise and changes in routine, can make them prone to vocal expressions.

Physical Causes of Crying

While crying can be a sign of emotional distress, it’s important to rule out any physical issues first. If your IG is crying excessively, especially when touched in a specific area, schedule a vet visit. Injuries, dental problems, or ear infections can all cause discomfort and vocalization. A simple fix! Ensure your IG has constant access to fresh water and age-appropriate food.

Emotional Triggers

Once medical causes are eliminated, consider emotional triggers for your IG’s tears.

Separation Anxiety

These velcro dogs can become very anxious when left alone. Signs include pacing, whining, and destructive behavior alongside crying.

Attention Seeking

Italian Greyhounds are masters of manipulation. If your IG gets rewarded (even with a scolding!) for crying, they’ll likely continue the behavior.

Fear or Anxiety

Loud noises, unfamiliar people, or new environments can trigger crying in some IGs.

Communication Through Crying

Crying is your IG’s way of saying something’s wrong.

  • High-pitched cries – often indicate pain, fear, or excitement;
  • low, drawn-out whines – these can signal boredom, loneliness, or seeking attention;
  • crying accompanied by pacing – separation anxiety is a strong possibility.

Training and Behavioral Solutions

  1. Address Separation Anxiety – gradually increase the amount of time you leave your IG alone. Provide them with safe chews or puzzle toys to keep them occupied.
  2. Ignore Attention-Seeking Cries – this might be tough, but rewarding bad behavior will only make it worse.
  3. Positive Reinforcement – reward calm and quiet behavior with praise and treats.
  4. Create a Safe Space – provide your IG with a cozy crate or bed where they can feel secure.
  5. Desensitization – if loud noises trigger crying, gradually expose your IG to them at a low volume, rewarding calmness.

Remember – consistency is key!


By understanding your IG’s communication style and addressing the root cause of their crying, you can build a stronger bond and create a more peaceful home environment. If the crying persists despite your efforts, consult a professional dog

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