What is Duck average lifespan?

Updated: 2023-11-30 ・
Views: 215 ・
min read
What is Duck average lifespan?

Short answer

The average lifespan of a duck is 5 to 10 years.

Life expectancy

The average lifespan of a duck varies depending on the species and environmental factors. In the wild, ducks generally have a shorter lifespan compared to those in captivity. On average, wild ducks live for about 2 to 5 years, although some species may live up to 8 years. This shorter lifespan is primarily due to the challenges they face in the wild, including predation, hunting, disease, and limited access to food and resources.

In contrast, ducks that are kept in captivity tend to have longer lifespans. Domesticated ducks, such as those found on farms or in backyard settings, can live up to 10 years or more. These ducks have access to a consistent supply of food, protection from predators, and veterinary care if needed. Additionally, they are not subjected to the same environmental pressures as their wild counterparts, allowing them to live longer lives.

It is important to note that these figures represent the average lifespan of ducks, and individual ducks may live longer or shorter lives depending on a variety of factors. By understanding the average lifespan of ducks, we can better appreciate the challenges they face in the wild and the importance of providing suitable care and protection for domesticated ducks in captivity.

Some interesting facts about Duck

  • Ducks are excellent swimmers due to their webbed feet, which are specifically designed for paddling through water. Their feet act like paddles, pushing against the water to help them move efficiently.
  • Ducks have a waterproof coating on their feathers. This is achieved through preening, where they spread oil from a gland near their tail to make their feathers water-resistant. This keeps them dry and buoyant while swimming.
  • Ducks have a unique feeding behavior known as "dabbling." They tip forward, with their head and upper body submerged in the water while their tail remains in the air. This allows them to reach aquatic plants, insects, and small fish to feed on.
  • The longest recorded flight for a duck was a whopping 8,000 miles. The incredible journey was made by a female Mallard, traveling from Alaska to New Zealand in just a few weeks.
  • Ducks are excellent navigators and have the ability to remember and recognize landmarks and routes when migrating. They often use celestial cues, such as the position of the sun and stars, as well as familiar landmarks on land or water.


Ducks generally have an average lifespan of 5-10 years in the wild, but can live up to 20 years or more in captivity. The exact lifespan of a duck can vary depending on factors such as the species, habitat, and the presence of predators. Some species of ducks, like the Mallard, have been known to live up to 20 years in the wild. Ducks face various challenges in their environment, including hunting, habitat loss, and disease, which can impact their longevity. Overall, ducks have a relatively short lifespan compared to some other bird species, but can enjoy a longer life in protected and well-managed captive environments.

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